Cumulative Skies, Deep Soils is an ongoing collaborative project between Jen Vaughn and Erin Mallea. The project exists in several forms, beginning as a performative act of attempting to listen to the vibrations of an ancient rhizomatic network of fungus in Oregon. Jen’s act of listening turned touch into sound, while thousands of miles away Erin took these sounds and images and transmitted them throughout the atmosphere via SSTV, a form of outdated image transmission via radio. As an installation, the work incorporates audio, SSTV video, crystallizing spills, writing, and sculptures formed from meteorites, debris, and mycelium. Together, Vaughn and Mallea aim at an expanded intimacy—a move towards contact despite distance, difference, and time. Each action threads together accumulations of decay with moments of the living, the cosmic, the future.
Jen Vaughn and Erin Mallea
Instagram: @jenlouisevaughn and @erinmallea
United States
Cumulative Skies, Deep Soils is an ongoing collaborative project between Jen Vaughn and Erin Mallea. The project exists in several forms, beginning as a performative act of attempting to listen to the vibrations of an ancient rhizomatic network of fungus in Oregon. Jen’s act of listening turned touch into sound, while thousands of miles away Erin took these sounds and images and transmitted them throughout the atmosphere via SSTV, a form of outdated image transmission via radio. As an installation, the work incorporates audio, SSTV video, crystallizing spills, writing, and sculptures formed from meteorites, debris, and mycelium. Together, Vaughn and Mallea aim at an expanded intimacy—a move towards contact despite distance, difference, and time. Each action threads together accumulations of decay with moments of the living, the cosmic, the future.
'Sentience' re-orients perspectives and asks: what is alive?
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