Jeannie Gerth
Northwest Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States
Jeannie Gerth's project 'Circular Food Practice'
Jun Lab Process:
Add green tea sweetened with raw honey to a jun scoby (symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast) and jun ferment. Cover with a cloth, allow to ferment 3-5 days. Bottle, add flavoring plants, seal and refrigerate for 24 hours before consuming.
Sourdough Lab Process:
Allow airborne bacteria and yeast in my microbiome to populate flour and water to create a sourdough starter. Feed regularly with additional flour and water to maintain. Use to leaven breads, pancakes, and crackers.
Compost / Soil Fertility Process:
Collect kitchen waste, transport to garden, bury, cover with topsoil, plant vegetables, repeat Location: Northwest
'Reverence' archives practices and
perspectives that engage the earth
in rituals of respect.
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