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Feature_MtHF Project_TransHuman Saunter.


Transhuman Saunter


Agapetos Fa’aleava, Lan Thanh Ha, Naputsamohn Junpiban, Natasha Narain


Creative Producer: Kavita Gonsalves 





TransHuman Saunter is a geolocative artwork that documents the entanglements of four women of colour artists with the multispecies ecosystem of the Indian Banyan Tree in the City Botanic Gardens of Meanjin/Brisbane. These entanglements constitute re-created and re-imagined narratives of their relationship with the nonhuman colonised Indian Subcontinent being: Indian Banyan Tree. The work further builds its foundations on themes of multispecies relationships with the “nonhuman” Banyan Tree, colonialism, mythologies, migration, oppression, the artists’ own micro-narratives of being ‘lesser’ humans and everyday living in Australia. This is further juxtaposed with human-planetary crises of climate change, forest fires, a pandemic: all psychosis of disjointed human/nonhuman entanglements. This artwork digitally locates itself in Australia and on the Indigenous land of the Turrbal and Yuggera people. In engaging with the Indian Banyan Tree, the artists hope to provide a space to transcend and disrupt colonial forms of knowing so as to heal and repair. The work is a contribution to the pluralistic ways of knowing through an evocation of the narratives of the unseen: the “lesser”-humans, the “non”-humans, and the “non”-beings. Click the button below to take a saunter.

'Repair' archives our entanglement with nonhuman beings. Emerging from these conscious relationships are forces that heal. The submissions below demonstrate acts that energize this regenerative force.   

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© 2021 by Sobia Ahmad & Monroe Isenberg

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